Maya | Unreal Engine 4
Third Street
2 / 2 / 2021
This is an old project that I have been working on for Maya about four years ago or so and I have since left it. I decided to go back to it again and start converting all of my old library assets into the Unreal Engine 4.
It's currently in working progress again and I think I got about 95% of my old Maya assets are all ported into the Engine- so far and it's going pretty good.
Since 95% of my assets are already ported in, I will continue to add more assets from what I currently have and continue on what I have planned originally four years ago - which is build an Urban theme library for my own collection.
All of the assets you see here are all modeled and textured by me and with one exception, the trees. The tree is pretty high poly and it came from Evermotion's UE4 foliage library and the reason the trees are there is out of pure curiosity.
It's quite amazing, I also started this project as a lighting sandbox environment for Mental Ray- I really love lighting. Well, the amazing part is that Mental Ray was a post rendering software when I began this environment. Now, I am using Unreal Engine 4 and the render you see here are all in real time raytracing... quite amazing.
UE 4.26
GPU Lightmass ( Static Lighting )
Raytrace: reflections only
60 FPS ( GPU GTX 2070 )
Fifth Avenue
2 / 2 / 2021
I finally got around the other side of the street of this level. This is the new 5th Avenue cross street section of 3rd Street.
It's still a bit rough but I think I got all the buildings that I wanted on a block out stage and all that's left are further refinement and more props and dirt, just to make it more interesting.

Third Street
24 / 12 / 2020
I was feeling productive during Christmas Eve and decided to test out Unreal Engine 4.26's Lightmass GPU and Raytracing. I was quite happy how it turned out and glad my PC didn't get fried.
I do need to update some texture maps-- looking a bit weird now.